
What Parts Of The Brain Do We Share With Animal Kingdom


Life can take u.s.a. by surprise sometimes. Fifty-fifty if yous live a relatively calm and mundane life, every at present and then something can happen that deviates from your standard routine. Sometimes information technology'south a skillful thing, other times it's not. Either way, whether it's a situation you found yourself accidentally in, a chance run across with a stranger that was a chip odd, or something else, these interesting moments tend to stick with you.

A Speedy Hand-Off

Downtown Charlotte, about ten years ago. Standing on Tryon near 3rd or fourth, and a car (a black Mercedes) is stopped at the low-cal across the street. A bicyclist whizzes by me, moving opposite to the direction of the car. Just then, the motorcar starts to motility, and cyclist holds out a document folder/envelope of some kind. Mitt-off happens, and cyclist keeps booking, and the car goes in the other management. All of this was done at speed, without any kind of lull. If I hadn't been looking directly at the hand-off, I wouldn't have seen it.


Definitely ane of the stranger things that stands out to me.

Accordion To You

I was driving down the highway, just minding my own business. All of the sudden I come across a car continuing on the emergency lane.


The driver, a woman in her 40s or 50s, is standing behind the barrier, passionately playing an accordion and singing. In that location was no traffic jam or anything; I estimate she simply suddenly felt like she wanted to brand some music. On the highway. Alone.

Wedding ceremony Witness

I was paying off a bushel of parking tickets when I was approached past a homo dressed in a three-slice adjust. He offered me $100 to be a witness for his nuptials, being that his best man wasn't going to be able to make information technology. I said heck yeah. Walk into the room and it was myself, a judge, and two other guys. Was I surprised? Yes. I thought the best human was running late. Again, incorrect. Watched the 2 guys get married, then went later to gloat with them. Coolest guys I take ever met. Got another parking ticket. Still friends today.


Cemetery Chocolate Society

It was the start year in college and I joined this club called the chocolate guild; I had no idea what information technology was.


In the first session, at that place were like 8 people plus the leader, and the leader led united states to a graveyard and told u.s.a. to stand in a circle facing in. He then proceeded to hand united states each a chocolate ball and told us that nosotros had to hold it in a specific manner with only our middle finger and our thumb. He then mumbled some random words and then signaled u.s.a. to consume information technology and and then we did.

Never went dorsum once again.

Cat Called

While on the balustrade of my apartment, I was watching a true cat staring into the night heaven while sitting on a brick fence for a adept 10 minutes. Then I watched as another cat appeared out of nowhere, walking towards the first true cat. They keep to exist intimate (true cat-intimate). It was really weird every bit if they had planned to meet there or something.


Swinging Sunflower

Car slams on its brakes on a busy four-lane road. A woman jumps out and reaches into her back seat. Grabs what looks like a giant fake sunflower establish and swings it around her head. It seems like for a minute but perhaps it was merely 30 seconds. She throws the sunflower back in and jumps back in the car and speeds off.


Me and four other people just stood there in disbelief at the entire sight.

Prying A Niggling Too Much

I was on a packed subway going home when an sometime man squeezes in at the last infinitesimal. In that location are 2 or three people holding the bar past the door when the erstwhile man starts to tell people this is his and no one else can agree on to it. Obviously, everyone ignores him, and then he starts to pry people'due south fingers off and hit their hands. Later most people permit go, ane of the younger guys that got his hand pried off argues with him, so the old human decided to follow this guy and pry his fingers off wherever he grabbed. It was entertaining to spotter.


Kooky Cookie Monster

I was in a sandwich store and this tall, lanky homo who was obviously not so at that place dances through the doors yelling, "I'm the Cookie Monster" repeatedly until the people behind the counter gave him a cookie. As he was walking out he throws his cookie at my head and gets about ii anxiety abroad from my face and says, "You gotta accept a daily dose of cookies to exist a Cookie Monster like me," and then dances out through the door.

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Shrek Service

I went to a religious Shrek service dedicated to the bully Ogrelord above us all. The sermon was pretty skilful, just the songs were horrible.

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Downwards In Flames

I watched my neighbor's house burn down. It was surreal. There is no way to describe the magnitude of emotions and shock of seeing something there for seven years and gone in two hours.


I can still experience the oestrus when I shut my eyes. It felt similar you had a accident dryer in your face even though we were sitting on our deck 100 feet away. I've seen fires on goggle box. It was zippo like that other than in looks. I felt terrible for the family, just from a clinical standpoint, seeing that big of a fire in existent life was awe-inspiring. It felt so powerful. An immense power of destruction. It was a very bittersweet experience.

Human foot Fees

Pulled up behind a car with the license plate "UNARMED" at a bulldoze-through ATM. The foot comes out the driver'south side window with ATM card held between toes. Human foot proceeds to work the touch-screen and enter/retract the bill of fare, and so just drives away. What.


Why So Serious

Was walking in the hallways at school with my friend, when a child walks upward backside my friend and whispers to him "If only I could remove your kidneys." The same kid got suspended three weeks subsequently for cutting his mouth similar the Joker.

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Ghost Daughter

I was walking dwelling house nice and happy at around 2 AM. Residential neighborhood, upscale suburb. Little girl, bout six years old, just hanging out on the street by herself. I was like, little girl, are you a spooky ghost?


Called the cops and they came. Turns out a lot of stuff tin go on behind closed doors in suburbia; her parents literally didn't care almost where she was.

I know thatsoundsreally tame, but imagine being a little happy in the middle of the night in a totally quiet suburb, everything is quiet and all the same, and suddenly you lot just see a little girl playing with her dolls on a street corner. It wasreally spooky.

Painting For The Bird

I went to the local pancake firm with my gal pals afterwards going to a shadow cast of Rocky Horror Picture Show. Nosotros were all dressed upward, corsets, fishnets, platform get-go boots, and I was wearing a bright orange feather wig. We were sitting there, eating pancakes and stuff, when this alpine, lanky, disheveled homeless man walks up to our table.


He sits downward next to me without any sort of greeting, turns to me, and asks, "Are you lot a bird?" I say yes. He so proceeds to take the ketchup and spray information technology all over the table, yelling "I'm painting! I'm making a painting!" He does the same with the honey and the mustard. When his painting was done, he nods to me and walks off.


Clowning Around

My brother came home from piece of work one day and said he saw a clown rolling a barrel downwardly the highway. We thought he was joking with united states of america and teased him most information technology for a while. Turns out it was a rodeo clown who was rolling his barrel beyond America.


Saved By A Stranger

A few years ago I passed out in bed. Earlier that, I had put a pot with a glass chapeau on the stove to brand tea. I wake up to a text bulletin from a stranger proverb "What's up?" I text dorsum saying "You lot got the incorrect guy." They say sorry and that'southward that. Now I'm thirsty. I enter the kitchen and see the pot on the red-hot electric range. All the water had evaporated/turned to steam and the glass hat had spiderweb cracks from the heat.


I text the number the next day explaining how their text helped me and they respond "No problem." Now, I don't know how much danger I was in, merely I never go texts from people I don't know and the timing was perfect.

Beer At The Bruins

My dad and brother were at a Boston Bruins hockey game last wintertime, sitting in the lower level, near xv rows back from the glass behind i of the goals.


At one point, a shot was taken by a player and the puck deflected off the stick of a defender, up and over the glass into the netting. Except, the puck went so high information technology lobbed up over the net and vicious into the crowd. An unaware guy was sitting in his seat, property his drink.

The puck fell direct into this dude's drink. The guy wasn't even looking. Looked down, realized what happened, stood up and chugged the rest with the puck still inside. The department went crazy.

Walking In Jerusalem

I was walking through Jerusalem a few months ago when I saw a young adult female, mid to late 20's, dressed in a baggy hippie dress. She was standing in the heart of a pedestrian walkway belongings an electric cable attached to a portable radiator.


I jokingly said to her, "Taking your radiator for a walk?"

And she looked at me with bewildered eyes and said slowly, "It feels like I've been walking for days."

At that bespeak, I got totally creeped out and only noped right along.

Maybe not the craziest thing but baroque none-the-less.

Donkey Elevate Race

I'g from Pakistan. One time, in the middle of the night, I was driving on an empty road when five or 6 people racing donkeys and screaming on the acme of their lungs appeared out of nowhere. That stuff was crazy.


Strange Sight Come And Gone

Years ago I was driving and stopped at a ruby-red light. A woman gets out of the car behind me and comes upwardly to my window. She says "I know you have been following me all nighttime!" She then reaches in and takes my glasses off my face. She says, "If y'all desire these back y'all know where to find me!" I sabbatum there, stunned. She got back in her car, went around me and drove away. I tried to chase her just I couldn't meet.


Can't Catch A Brake

My girlfriend'due south neighbor's firm went upward in flames, only when the firetruck came, it never stopped. It collection straight through the house and completely destroyed everything. Brakes merely didn't work at the incorrect time.


The Sounds Of Sneezing

I remember back in the heart schoolhouse band (I nevertheless play, saxophone) where I sneezed while playing, and it made a terrible noise out of my instrument. Then the person next to me does the same thing. This goes on until finally, the entire band had sneezed while playing. Our director merely sat in that location speechless for v minutes.


Skiing Through The Afternoon

At four PM every 24-hour interval, and I mean EVERY day on my way to work, I see the same lady, about 60 years old, walking down the street with ski poles. She walks equally if she's cross country skiing, and wears a full-body latex ski/scuba suit and sometimes a cowboy hat with Christmas lights on it. Crazy stuff, right? For the commencement time just last calendar week I encounter this lady walking down the same street but this time she'southward in full business attire, good makeup, etc. merely having a chat with someone normally.


Picking Pinecones

My sis and I were chilling out in our kitchen, and we looked out to see a man dressed in a nice arrange walk into our lawn. He didn't notice the states and walked under one of our pine trees. He then looked effectually suspiciously, reached downwards, and picked up a pinecone off the ground. He put it into a ziplock pocketbook, looked around again, then scurried off, never to exist seen again.


I withal take nil clue why anyone would do this.

A Dull Ringlet

One morning I woke up and looked out the window. In that location was a car upside down on the road. By itself. No law, ambulance or shocked people from an accident effectually information technology. Didn't even hear a car crash. I walked downstairs to have a look and a immature adult female climbed out of information technology. Turns out she was driving slow, blinded past the lord's day and drove up a parked car that had a low front. Her auto just rolled on its top slowly. Hardly whatever impairment to both cars.

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From Nighttime To Twenty-four hour period

I remember when I was a kid there was i night during the summer where of a sudden it wasn't night anymore. Literally at 11:xxx at night information technology went from being pitch black outside to all of a sudden, daylight. I retrieve anybody walking out of their houses onto the streets and just talking to each other, similar "What the heck's going on?" Cops and some armed services personnel showed up and told the states all that everything was fine and not to worry. Similar, just go back in your homes everything is fine, we assure y'all. After well-nigh an hr information technology went back to being pitch black once more. I still volition never forget that dark just because of how bizarre it was. Withal don't know what happened. I retrieve the papers claimed it as some sort of military drill. But it was no drill, it was daylight at 11:thirty at dark.


Only Skating By

When I was almost 13, on the last day of summertime before starting high school, my friends and I were out skateboarding in our neighborhood. Suddenly, numerous police cars start swarming the area, pulling upwardly to the one big house amidst the rowhomes. We wisely decided to stick effectually and see what was going to happen. Criminal offence was actually bad where I grew upwardly so we assumed we were nearly to see some kind of raid. They rushed the business firm and carried an unconcious man away from it. A few minutes afterward, the firm ACTUALLY IMPLODES. Simply falls into itself with ane of the loudest sounds I had ever heard. A dust deject formed and started spreading, then we ran. Turned out the human who lived there turned his gas on. Still non sure what made the house fall in on itself, but we all had a crazy story to tell on our kickoff day of school.

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The Wall Of Death

So my friend went to a death metal concert and experienced something called the wall of death. Basically what happens is the audition divides direct down the centre with about ten meters between, and when the band gives the signal both sides charge at each other as hard as they tin. The really daring/stupid stand up in the x-meter gap to feel the full force of it.


Hopping To The Music

Several years ago I agreed to drive a friend to a Flaming Lips concert. I knew nothing about them but trusted my friend'south musical taste. During the opening band, my friend positioned himself at the stage while I wandered frantically towards the back of the standing room. From the corner of my heart, some guy is peering at me from within a room where in that location are props and lights and some such stuff. It wasn't too long earlier I got suspicious and was nearly to relocate when he motions me to him. Information technology was crowded and wasn't too guarded and so I got within earshot. He needed my help. I was suspicious. Why me? I expressed my reluctance and he started to explain himself. Yous see, obviously, The Flaming Lips has a agglomeration of people dressed up in bunny suits to dance in the crowd for "She Don't Use Jelly," and one of the people never showed. Then before I knew it, this guy is shoving me into a huge hot and sweaty bunny accommodate telling me to but get with it and dance. He throws me out into a now very crowded audience and I have no choice but to do only that. I can't express how perplexed my friend was when I unmasked in front of him. A bizarre night for the both of united states of america.


Finding A Penny

I was approached by a strange homeless human while I was killing time in an airport. My flight arrived around midnight, and I found the ticket counter was airtight until 4 AM. The place was deserted. After an hour, I see a homeless-looking man walking toward me, from the other finish of the ticketing area. Every bit he gets about 30 yards abroad, he shouts "Hey!"


Me: "Yes?"

20 yards away: "Hi! Did y'all know you're a penny?"

Me: "Excuse me?"

10 yards away: "Did you lot know y'all're a PENNY?"

5 yards abroad, with me thinking I may be virtually to get attacked, me: "I am?"

Him: "Aye… METAL."

Point made, he connected walking past and exited a curt while later. I remain perplexed to this day about what context there could be that would brand sense of that interaction.

Baby Overboard

My sister and I were driving to Clearwater, Florida from St. Pete 1 day, and traffic on nineteen is always bad with the stoplights. Well, the auto two spaces ahead of united states kind of throws/drops this bundle on the ground. The woman in the car in front of us gets out and picks it up, and it'southward a freaking infant. The people in the machine that dropped it leap out and take it back and this is right when the lite had inverse so they basically jump in the auto and drive off. It made the local news from what I remember.


I remember thinking if I were that adult female they would accept needed an act of God to get the baby out of my arms. YOU Merely THREW Information technology OUT OF YOUR Automobile!

The Tickled Amish Human

This has got to be the strangest and most disruptive matter I have ever come across.


So I live in a small-scale neighborhood in Michigan that is known for liquor, churches, and the Amish. I was driving down a dirt road some ways into the land where a lot of the Amish community lives. I stopped at a stop sign basically in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden an Amish man with admittedly no clothing (probably in his late l'due south) walks out of a ditch to my right! He just stood there with a smile on his face and but waved at me like everything was completely normal. The paradigm volition forever be seared into my brain.

Beverage-Loving Rodent

I saw a squirrel get inebriated. We'd had a huge house party at this valley resort and at that place were cups left out on the patio . . . a bunch of tired people were standing past the window and I went over to encounter what was upwardly. A squirrel climbed up on a patio table, put its nose in a cup, and started lapping upward the drink — really getting in there. Once it was finished and turned to go off the tabular array, information technology was stumbling around like crazy. I was in awe.


The Thoughtful Thieves

A friend's business firm had a break-in a couple days ago and pretty much everything was stolen. They had literally searched through every corner of the business firm and every unmarried piece of furniture had been flipped upside down. The weird part is that in all of his kids' iii bedrooms they hadn't touched anything. Their Xbox and iPhones where still there, and they had even put their piggybanks neatly on top of their beds. It's really really creepy when I recollect about information technology; is there even a matter equally gentlemen-robbers?


Life Similar A Film

My family unit was the bailiwick of a recent "based on a truthful story" film. It was filmed locally, and then I went past the ready a few times. Watching someone pretending to be you is weird. And it's not really even you lot, it'southward "movie you lot" who isn't dressed similar you, doesn't look, act or talk similar you…is simply BASED on y'all. I hated it.


Wandering H2o Marks

Freshman year of college a soaking wet barefoot girl walks into our dorm room in the centre if the nighttime and asks for someone who is not me or my roommate. She is in a complete zombie-like state. Eyes super wide open, shivering and talking nonsense. She tries to climb into my bed. I go upwardly, walk her to my door, and transport her on her way. A 2d later on I'k fully awake and open the door to go become her thinking she might need help. All that was at that place was wet footprints and no sign of the girl.


An Ode To Apple

The first thing that comes to mind was the nighttime Steve Jobs passed abroad. I met some friends at a identify I never really go to, ane of whom worked at an Apple tree shop. It turns out, there were probably lxx-80 Apple store employees from around the city there that dark and they kept standing on chairs and tables proverb stuff and making toasts to Jobs. I like Apple tree products and I've had corporate jobs where they trounce the brand in a flake also hard but holy smokes, that was a weird night.


Quite The Clot

I am the proud possessor of largest claret clot always that someone lived through. Got information technology while in training to become to Afghanistan. Woke upwardly one day and legs looked like tree trunks. Took them virtually a calendar week to figure out what was incorrect. When they did I was airlifted from Landstuhl, Germany to Walter Reid in D.C. I wasn't allowed to move, but with all the fluids I was beingness given had to relieve myself a lot. Ii female SSgt's had to assist me. Right when I got to Walter Reid, I lost consciousness and saw heaven. To that signal, I didn't know claret clots were that serious until seeing a deceased friend and coming to in the ICU with my family in that location. Usually, clots are small, say the size of a pinhead, whereas mine extended from a couple inches above BOTH knees, through the bilateral illiacs, and upward the junior vena cava to an inch below the centre. Resulted in collapsed veins and losing a lot of mobility.


For The Record

I was office of the setting of a globe tape. The well-nigh beach balls thrown in the air at one time.

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The Paper Storm

I was once driving down the highway when the doors to the semi-trailer 100 yards in front of me opened. Out from the void rolled toilet paper. Hundreds of bouncing toilet paper rolls exploded into a fluttering white deject that quickly filled my entire view. As apace as it started I had driven through the wall of the stuff and the ordeal was over, but for miles, I would notice small white pennants dangling from the antennas of other motorists.

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An Electric Performance

Saw a guy become electrocuted by a guitar on phase. Blue sparks flying from his hands, convulsions, people screaming.


Bassist kicked the amp plug out of the wall. Saved his male child.

Guitarist threw his guitar at a wall, yelled and walked out the front door.

Lost At Sea

I was at the embankment, and a tugboat came from very far out at bounding main and stopped just short of beaching itself on the embankment. The helm came out, looked around, scratched his head, got back in the tugboat, and went abroad.

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Monkey On Wheels

Hanging out on the stoop of the village general store drinking smoothies. The general store is at the acme of a massive hill. A van with no windows pulls up and the commuter doesn't get out, only the back doors swing open, a ramp slides out, and a chipper-looking fellow in a wheelchair emerges out of the dorsum of the van. He'south got a modest monkey casually sitting on his shoulder. He then wavespeace at the driver and proceeds to absolutely bomb the colina with the small-scale monkey as his wheelchair derby sidekick.

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All Aboard, Headless Horseman

While waiting for the subway I saw a man on the platform unbutton the meridian 4-5 buttons of his shirt, pull information technology up over his caput and push button them back up. He then boarded the subway all headless-horseman-like and saturday there like information technology was no large deal.


Pretty Petty

A girl walks into a gas station. Guy breaks into her car and steals what he thought was her bag. Cop runs later on human foot. Burglar throws the handbag into the air, and makeup goes everywhere. The child well-nigh died over some used makeup.



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