
How To Take Animal Pics On Galapagos Islands

Planning a trip to the Galapagos? Here are 19 amazing Galapagos Islands animals to sentinel for on your next trip! This traveler'southward guide to the animals of the Galapagos volition whet your appetite for take chances.

Galapagos Islands animals
For me, i of the all-time things about visiting a new place is all the amazing animals I become to see along the manner.

When I visited the Galapagos, I was in sky! These islands accept then many amazing animals – here are some of the animals you might see on your trip:

Endemic Galapagos animals
Interested to photograph these animals on your trip? Bank check out our Guide to the All-time Camera for Travel.

19 Galapagos Islands Animals You Need to Run into

The Galapagos Islands are an amazing place to see fascinating animals, they are everywhere!

Y'all tin can see and so many of them right outside your hotel room or in town – which is one of the things that makes the Galapagos so special: the almost seamless blending of everyday life and wildlife. Information technology would exist extremely rare to go to the Galapagos andnot run across nearly of these animals!

Traveler Tip: Learn more about each brute in our list by visiting the post linked at the lesser of each section.

Call up: National Park Rules crave that visitors maintain a distance of 6 ft (2 grand) from animals at all times and never feed the animals. This is for the animal's protection and yours! Help keep the Galapagos tourist-friendly by following these 14 simple rules.

1. Galapagos Ocean Lion(zalophus wollebaeki)

The Galapagos bounding main lion is a personal favorite of mine, they are just and so sweet-looking!

However, they are called sealions, so don't exist fooled by that sweet face. While these animals are by and large quite peaceful and unafraid of people, males tin can become aggressive in the mating flavor because they are very territorial.

They are very large animals, so if you angered one… well, only don't anger one. Galapagos sea lions average 59-98 in (150-250 cm) in length and 110-880 lb (50-400 kg) in weight.

As long as you lot listen to your guide (you should e'er keep guided tours – they know the Galapagos way better than any of united states!) you shouldn't have whatever problems. I even got to become swimming with a young male sea lion – and that was astonishing!

Hither's what information technology was like:

Galapagos ocean lions consume up to 45 lb (20 kg) of nutrient every day – 70% of which is sardines. They are deep divers, able to reach up to (down to?) 196 ft (60 thousand) and they can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes.

More reading: Check out these sea lion fact posts here.

2. Emerge Lightfoot Crabs – a.thousand.a Red Rock Crab(Grapsus grapsus)

Sally lightfoot venereal are famous for their bright colors and, of grade, their fancy footwork. These spunky little fellows are upwards to v in (12 cm) across their carapace, and the internet has yet to know how much they weigh but 1/2 lb is a reasonable estimate.

Their proper noun is idea to take come from a Caribbean dancer, but no one actually knows for sure. Regardless, it suits them.

It'due south hard to imagine these vivid crabs equally existence anything but bright, however, they showtime their lives out as tiny, black, and white/yellow-spotted venereal that alloy into lava rocks so much that information technology's hard to spot them. Equally they grow up they become brighter colors.

These fiddling rainbows can run so fast that they tin can even seem to run on h2o. They tin jump and skip across the h2o for curt distances (I call back about three ft) to get away from predators – or pesky sunburned tourists. Subsequently the short distance, they outset to swim-run; a very entertaining spectacle indeed!

Learn more most Emerge Lightfoot crabs in our huge guide.

A favorite pastime for sally lightfoot crabs is sitting on marine iguanas and eating peel parasites, joy! Their relationship is symbiotic.

Galapagos sally lightfoot crab
More reading: 7 Facts Virtually Galapagos Emerge Lightfoot Crabs.

3. Lava Lizards(microlophus albemarlensis)

Lava lizards are all over the place in Galapagos. Their name suits them well – the best place to run into them is skittering over the black lava rocks that encompass the islands.

In fact, their colors tin can change depending on what isle they alive on – and their mood.

Lava Lizard at Tortuga Bay Galapagos
More reading: Buyers Guide to the All-time Sun Protection Hats – specifically for travelers to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.

These spunky fiddling reptiles are too known for their push-ups. Lava lizards bounce upward and down to attract a mate, or in an effort to look big and scary when threatened – even though they're not much bigger than your cell phone.

Males are up to 8 in (twenty cm) long and females upward to 7 in (18 cm). Unfortunately, the weight is unknown. Sufficient to say, they are pretty light.

Females lay up to 6 pea-sized eggs in the footing every calendar month (roughly). Babies take anywhere from 3-12 months for the tiny (2 in; 5 cm) babies to hatch.

Lava lizards mainly eat different kinds of bugs, such as ants, beetles, and centipedes. They also assist keep the painted locust under control on the islands.

Because of their buggy diet, lava lizards build their homes around flowers and cacti that naturally concenter their favorite courses.

More reading: seven Crazy Galapagos Lava Lizard Facts

4. Giant Galapagos Tortoise (chelonoidis nigra)

These gentle giants may be 1 of the most popular animals to run across in the Galapagos. Males abound upwardly to vi x 5 ft (1.8 x 1.5 k) and females are about half the size of males.

Galapagos tortoises live for a long fourth dimension, generally over 100 years, and the oldest known case lived to 170.

Galapagos tortoise
The tortoises kind of named the islandsbecause the original explorers used the old Spanish wordgalapago to mean "saddle," considering the tortoiseshell was shaped like a saddle.

Different all the drawing movies we watched as kids, tortoises can't only leap out of their shells whenever they want. Their shell is actually part of their skeleton. Another fascinating matter about Galapagos tortoises is that they can become for a year without water or food!

More reading: 13 Awesome Galapagos Tortoise Facts.

five. Marine Iguana(amblyrhynchus cristatus)

Marine iguanas are owned to the Galapagos and are the only iguanas that swim and feed in the ocean.

They don't seem to enjoy all the salt they suck up while feeding on algae though, because they spend a fair nearly of time just laying around sneezing out the excess table salt.

Galapagos marine iguana
Marine iguanas tin't breathe underwater, but they tin hold their breath for over 40 minutes and dive to effectually 30 ft (ix.1 m). They can abound up to 3.2 ft (0.9 m) long and weigh upwards to 3 lbs (1.5 kg).

Near postcards will show yous rainbow-colored marine iguanas. This happens to males during mating flavor to attract females.

More reading: 13 Interesting Facts About Marine Iguanas in the Galapagos

6. Blue-footed Booby(sula nebouxii)

The bluish-footed booby is definitely one of the Galapagos' most popular animals. They love to entertain tourists with their funny dance and their bright blue anxiety.

Blueish-footed boobies tin can be institute along the Pacific coast, all the way from California to Peru, but the Galapagos is an amazing place to see these funny birds because one-half of all blue-footed boobies nest in the islands.

Galapagos blue footed booby
Their strikingly bluish feet come up from their fishy meals, and you can tell how healthy a blue-footed booby is by the blueness of its feet. Bluer is ameliorate!

Females will choose a male that has the bluest feet around because they know that they are healthy and volition produce the best offspring.

Boobies have a very entertaining mating dance, equally you can see in the video below.

Blue-footed boobies fish by flight upward high in the air and so dropping like an arrow into the h2o.

Males chase in shallow water because their small size and large tail get in easier for them to change direction once in the water. The females will chase farther out because they are larger and can comport more fish.

It is astonishing to spotter boobies dive into the h2o! Enjoy the video, it's fascinating!!

Bluish-footed boobies have a wingspan of about 5 ft (1.five m) and they are 32 in (81 cm) tall. They weigh nearly 3.iii lb (i.v kg). The male is a bit smaller with a soft whistle and the female person is larger and has a rather funny honk.

More reading: 11 Far Out Facts Well-nigh the Blue-Footed Booby and 43 Bluish-footed Booby Facts

7. Red-footed Booby (Sula sula)

Just when yous thought the blue anxiety were really something, the Galapagos gives you cherry-red feet.

The red-footed booby has a wider range than its bluish-footed cousin. Information technology is famous for its brilliant red feet and very colorful face up and neb.

Blood-red-footed boobies come in three color morphs and three subspecies. The Galapagos Islands are home to the world's largest nesting colony of these curious birds.

Larn more about them in our guide to red-footed boobies.

Red footed booby facts

8. Vermilion Flycatcher (pyrocephalus rubinus)

Vermilion flycatchers are pint-sizedpeppery balls of spunk. These petty guys are easy to spot: bright scarlet with blackness wings and a blackness mask, however, the vermilion flycatcher brilliant colors fade in captivity.

They tin can be institute in Cardinal and Southward America, as well as United mexican states and the United States. The females lay upwards to 4 eggs –  which hatch in about 2 weeks, after which both parents share in caring for the babies.

More reading: 15 Facts Near Ecuador's Vermilion Flycatcher

ix. Eat-tailed Gull (creagrus furcatus)

These sweetness-looking gulls are the only nocturnal fellow member of their family. They lay just i egg at a time, and they never go out their young unattended.

Baby swallow-tailed gull
Amazing fact: the red ring around the eat-tailed gull's eye does more than make a statement. It actually gives these birds a type of night vision! It secretes an orange/cerise oil that acts equally a calorie-free filter to enhance their prey's (squid) light coloring.

Learn more about the swallow-tailed gull in our huge postal service.

ten. Nazca booby (sula granti)

These are the largest boobies in the Galapagos, measuring 3 ft (0.9 m) long and a 6 ft (1.8) wingspan. You lot tin can tell male and female Nazca boobies apart past their unique calls – the males whistle and the females honk.

Nazca booby facts
Another interesting affair about these birds is that their mating season is unlike on each island.

Acquire more virtually Nazca boobies in our huge post.

eleven. Galapagos penguin (spheniscus mendiculus)

Yep, there are penguins in the Galapagos. In fact, they are owned to the islands and the only penguins that live north of the equator!

These are also one of the smallest penguins in the world, weighing only 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) and being 19 in (49 cm) tall! Galapagos penguins mate for life and share in caring for the 2 eggs.

Galapagos penguin appearance

12. Lava heron (butorides sundevalli)

The lava heron is endemic and lives on all the Galapagos Islands all twelvemonth round. However, y'all may non see them considering they blend into the lava very well.

Lava herons are amazing hunters, feeding on modest crabs, fish, prawns, lizards, small birds, and eggs.

During the mating season, the male lava heron's neb turns black (instead of its normal grey) and his anxiety turn vivid orange (also in stark contrast to their usual gray color).

Lava herons mate in one case per season and heighten the young together. Like many other animals in the Galapagos, they don't mind people.

Galapagos lava heron

xiii. Galapagos fur seal (arctocephalu galapagoensis)

Many people confuse the Galapagos body of water lion and the Galapagos fur seal, but once you lot know what to await for, they are hands distinguished.

Hither'southward what to look for:

  • The Galapagos fur seal has a brusque snout, but sea lions have a longer snout
  • Fur seals, as the proper name would propose, have a very thick coat
  • Bounding main lions adopt to lay in the sunday, whereas fur seals prefer the shade
  • Near Galapagos fur seals alive on Fernandina and Isabela islands, but the sea lions are more than widely distributed
  • Fur seals are too much smaller than sea lions
  • Fur seals ears stick out much farther than sea lions

xiv. Galapagos hawk (buteo galapagoensis)

The Galapagos hawk is owned to the islands and has no natural predator. It feeds mostly on rats, marine and state iguanas, locusts, lizards, infant tortoises, and baby sea turtles, and centipedes.

These hawks return to the aforementioned nest every year and are able to live anywhere on the islands (lava fields, forest, mountains, embankment…).

Young hawks are lighter in colour than the adults and have xanthous-green feet and legs likewise equally greyish base on their beaks. The males are slightly smaller than females, the Hawks can have a wingspan of up to 4 ft (120 cm).

Acquire more than in our huge guide to Galapagos hawks.

Galapagos hawk

15. Galapagos sea turtle (chelonia agassizii)

Galapagos body of water turtles are smaller, darker, and have a more domed shell than other Pacific bounding main turtles.

Fun Fact: The Galapagos sea turtle has this name because the Galapagos is the only place it will lay its eggs.One time every 2-3 years (between January and March), a female volition swim onto the beach at night and dig a hole in the sand, where she volition lay up to 200 eggs!

The temperature of the sand can decide whether there will exist generally male or female person babies. Warm (over 85°F/30°C) for females and absurd (nether 85°F/30°C) for males.

16. Galapagos noddy tern (anous stolidus galapagensis)

Galapagos noddy terns are seabirds – that tin't dive into the ocean. Instead, they volition fly depression over the surface and scoop upwardly fish.

Or, if they are brave, they sit on the heads of pelicans and grab fish that escape or they pester the pelican until information technology gives up its catch.

The Galapagos noddies are the largest of their kind, having a wingspan of upwardly to 86 cm (34 in). Because of their inability to plunge into h2o, their wings are specially designed to assist them glide for long distances over the surface of the h2o.

17. Galapagos shark (carcharhinus galapagensis)

Galapagos sharks are calm, curious, and persistent piddling sharks. They rarely attack humans; in fact, they are considered some of the safest sharks in the world!

But they are nonetheless sharks and still dangerous. Then don't poke them with sticks or call them names. Cataclysm volition ensue.

Galapagos shark gives nascence to alive young, however, they exercise not care for the pups after birth. They can odor things, such as claret, upwards to 1 role per meg (that ways one drop of blood to one meg drops of water!).

They hang out in groups around the islands, so don't fall in with a scraped knee… kidding! Simply it's probably not a good idea.

18. Neat & Magnificent Frigate Birds (F regata minor& F regata magnificens)

These birds are famously known for that big red gular sac (normally known every bit "that big red balloon thing") that they accident up on their breast to attract a mate. Information technology takes the male 20 minutes to inflate his sac!

Like the noddy tern, frigate birds are kleptoparasitic (steals stuff from other birds) seabirds that would rather non land in the sea. The frigate bird's proper noun comes from the old warships from the 17th-19th centuries, fast, maneuverable, and potent – the name certainly suits the birds as well as the ships.

More reading: Great Frigatebird vs Magnificent Frigatebird: xiv Frigatebird Facts

19. Waved Boundness or Galapagos Albatross (Phoebastria irrorata)

The largest bird in the Galapagos is the waved albatross. It can have a wingspan of over 8 feet!
Waved boundness are famous for their mating dance. And for mating for life.

Learn more than in our guide to waved albatross.

Waved albatross Galapagos

Learn more with these 25 Galapagos Islands Facts.

Animals on Islands of Burn

That's information technology for my 19 Galapagos animals to see on your side by side trip, I hope you enjoyed information technology. We will be updating this mail with new animals and new facts, and so cheque back!

Galapagos animals
Curious well-nigh other parts of Ecuador? Check out our guide to Amazon Rainforest Animals.
Do you lot accept whatever animals to add together to this list? What'south your favorite? Any Galapagos stories we should know? Let united states know in the comments!

Galapagos Islands birds

Galapagos Animals: Up-Close and Curious

galapagos sea turtle
Galapagos animals are unlike than any we've seen.

Of course, some of them are huge and others have blue feet. But information technology's more than that. They are assuming and unafraid.
Because the Galapagos Islands are protected, and the majority of them are part of the National Park, the animals don't fright us.

In this video, we share some of our favorite animal encounters: sea turtles, giant tortoises, sea lions, marine iguanas, lava lizards, pelicans, and more. Each animate being comes over to our camera to check it out.

This video was first published on our other site: How to use a selfie stick for better animal photos.

Galapagos Animals Video

how to use a selfie stick travel

giant galapagos tortoise
galapagos marine iguana
Planning a trip to the Galapagos? This set of 17 Galapagos books might help. Our favorite island was definitely Floreana. It has a pretty baroque history.

Nosotros recommend that you bring a solid waterproof dry bag for your trip. Ocean spray and surprise showers can wreak havoc on camera gear and other electronics. Here'south a guide to the best dry bags that we put together.

Your Turn

What'due south your favorite Galapagos animal?Are you lot planning on visiting the Islands? Please share it below!


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