
Can You Make Money Writing Fanfiction

I'm an experienced online content creator with several streams of passive income from my writing. I'm here to share my secrets.


Can You Make Money with Creative Writing and Fiction?

Can HubPages writers make money with their fiction and poetry? In a word, yes. You can earn money writing fiction and poetry. The catch is that most of the time you will not earn very much. HubPages is geared toward writers who produce magazine-style articles about specific topics that people are searching for online. These articles will often seek to answer a question or provide a solution for the reader.

As you may have guessed, this means that fiction, creative writing, and poetry fall a bit outside of the HubPages mainstream. Writers who produce "service-oriented" pieces make money on HubPages by providing that service, or in some cases by providing a review of an Amazon product, in hopes that readers will buy the product through the link in the article.

Publishing Your Fiction or Poetry on HubPages

With the understanding that making money from your fiction or poetry is not really the focus of HubPages, it is worth knowing that HubPages does welcome high quality, perceptive fiction and poetry. If you're looking for a place to publish your poetry, HubPages is a good option. The site even has a specialty "niche" site that is part of the HubPages network. The site is called, and it's a great place for fiction and poetry writers to get their work published. For an introduction to LetterPile and the other niche sites, see my article, What Are the HubPages Network Niche Sites?

You can publish your fiction, poetry, and etc. on LetterPile, and people will read it. They will often offer comments, and these are almost always positive and encouraging. LetterPile reminds me, in many ways, of the poetry club (actually a reading circle) that I belonged to in college – a funky, friendly community of people who really just want to write. We wanted to feel like there was at least a possibility of another person reading what we wrote and finding value, or even deep meaning in the words.

For many writers of fiction and poetry, this is really what it's all about. A little money for their efforts would be nice, of course, but money is not the reason that these writers are pouring their heart, hopes, and dreams into their words. It's about connection, and you can find connection when you publish your fiction or poetry on LetterPile!

For many writers of fiction and poetry, this is really what it's all about. A little money for their efforts would be nice, of course, but money is not the reason that these writers are pouring their heart, hopes, and dreams into their words.

Making Money with Fiction on HubPages

So far we have discussed the possibilities for publishing your fiction or poetry, and finding an audience for your work that is receptive and responsive. If that's all that you need to feel like your work as a writer is worth it, then you're all set – HubPages, or more accurately LetterPile, is most definitely where you belong. If, however, you believe in getting paid to write fiction or poetry, then we have a little more to discuss.

It's never easy to make substantial money from writing fiction, even for established writers, so us mere mortals have to face reality when it comes to making money for our work. So it should not come as surprise to hear that while LetterPile does pay its writers, the amount is not typically as much as one might make from writing a non-fiction article.

Visibility Can be the Start to a Writing Career

Another thing you can do to make money from your fiction or poetry is to make your work accessible and usable. If you write poems, having a few that can be read at weddings, memorials, and other events might increase the chance that you will see traffic, and therefore make a little money. Similarly, works that can be called on by a romantic partner looking for the perfect way to express love and devotion may also find success.

One avenue that writers often overlook is humor -- people always need a laugh, and if you can provide that for them, the money will follow (at least a little bit!).

For a writer, visibility can be all that matters.

For a writer, visibility can be all that matters.

Your Library of Articles is Your Investment

While it's unusual for people to see much, if any income from fiction, there are some things you can do to give yourself every chance of seeing at least a few dollars from your writing. One thing that you can do is write a lot, and publish often. Building a large library of works – hundreds, if possible – really will increase your visibility as a writer of fiction (this same principle applies to writers of non-fiction as well, of course). When your name is on so many pieces, your visibility on search engines naturally rises.

The Number Game

Can you make money as a fiction or poetry writer on HubPages? Yes -- but don't expect too much. It all depends on what kind of presence you want to establish, and what your ultimate goals are. Give the people what they're looking for, and those who read you articles will reward you for making them laugh, or for leading them to the deeper meaning of the universe.

Give the people what they're looking for, and those who read you articles will reward you for making them laugh, or for leading them to the deeper meaning of the universe.

About Me

I am a seasoned online content writer with over 15 years in the business. I make decent money from this side-hustle: last year I made about $20,000 from my combined libraries of online articles, and all of that income was passive (I made money 24 hours a day, whether I was writing or not). It's a sweet source of income that I use for travel and other luxuries.

When I first started writing online, it was really more for my own entertainment than anything else. I chose topics at random, ignored SEO, and thought I could do everything myself. As a result I made more or less every mistake a rookie online writer can make. But I learned from my mistakes, and I got better.

These articles are my way of sharing what I've learned with other online content creators. They are free for you to read and act on, if you choose. If there's anything I have left out or got wrong, feel free to comment down below. Good luck to you, and I hope you see your income streams become rushing rapids!

Miebakagh Fiberesima from Port Harcourt, Rivers State, NIGERIA. on May 29, 2020:

Thanks for sharing. Your articles are educative. I will make a prority in studing them. Many thanks again.

Can You Make Money Writing Fanfiction


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