
Should I Watch Anime With Hdr On

HDR photography can be a bit polarizing in terms of personal tastes. It's similar opera and sushi – you either honey it or hate it. But in that location are also good times to utilize an HDR technique, and not so ideal situations.

In this article, I'll walk you through several different scenarios y'all might encounter and give you some tips on how to decide . . .

To HDR or not to HDR?

That is the question at hand.

HDR has gone through several iterations and has go something that many people strongly dislike.

But there is a fourth dimension and identify when doing HDR has its benefits. Then at that place are other situations and scenes that yous might be shooting where HDR isn't going to assistance, or in fact, it might fifty-fifty brand things worse.

What is HDR?

First, allow's accept a await at what exactly is HDR photography.

The letters HDR represent High Dynamic Range.

It refers to a scene in which there is a lot of contrast between the top highlights or brightest areas, and the lowest shadows are darkest areas.

Find I did Non say it is a technique!

HDR has become synonymous with sure post-processing techniques and a stylized look. That is not actually what HDR is though – and it was around long before Trey Ratcliff made it popular.

an example of an image using HDR, the full Hight Dynamic Range, by combining multiple images together
HDR image created from 3 bracketed exposures.
the three images shot at different exposures that were combined to make the final HDR image
Here you can see the 3 bracketed images (i at -2, one at 0 and one at +2 exposure) and the final blended HDR image.

In fact, Ansel Adams himself was a master of HDR photography.

Yup, his famous Zone System was designed to be able to photograph a scene with a lot of dissimilarity and through shooting and moving picture processing techniques – the lensman could manipulate the tones to exist able to fit into 1 printable image.

Notice some other key phrase there is – dispense the tones!

That is exactly what digital HDR photography techniques do every bit well.

HDR Photography involves shooting bracketed exposures in order to capture full detail in the scene (both in the nighttime and light areas) and combining them later in mail-processing.

I won't be describing the verbal steps on how to do HDR and procedure it, so you can read near that here if you're new to this:

  • Guide to Using Merge to HDR in Lightroom Effectively
  • x tips on how to do HDR photos without a tripod

When Non to use HDR

Okay so now you lot have an idea of what HDR is all near – let'due south starting time wait at some examples where you practice Not desire to use information technology.

#ane – Do not exercise HDR when your scene is depression contrast

When yous are shooting a scene that is depression in contrast, you do not need to do HDR.

How do you know for sure if your scene has depression contrast? Await at the histogram. Here is an example:

a picture of a tree trunk and a leaf, unedited raw version of photo
Original unedited RAW file.

Look at the histogram for the image above. What you're looking for is how far towards each side the graph reaches. Look for anything clipping (going off the graph and up the side) in the highlight areas (right-side) or shadow areas (left-side).

Every bit y'all tin can see below, the data doesn't reach either the left or correct side of the graph. That means the contrast of the scene fits well within the capability of my photographic camera to camera in a single paradigm.

the camera histogram for the photo above showing low contrast
Histogram showing a low contrast scene.

Now, look what happens when I procedure that epitome using HDR techniques.

Normally, that means pulling the highlights downwardly (darkening) and pulling the shadows up (lightening them). Punching upwards the Clarity slider, often all the way to +100 and increasing Saturation.

HDR applied to an image that does not require it
Notice the complete lack of contrast here and how the image feels flat and lifeless – yet is overly saturated and "faux" looking.

The image above is an case of an HDR procedure being applied unnecessarily. Often what I phone call "Bad HDR" is over saturated and the colors are garish. Please don't do this kind of HDR.

same leaf images processed normally, without HDR manipulation, looks great
Hither is the same paradigm processed normally. It has practiced dissimilarity, pure black and the color of the leafage jumps out only doesn't injure the eyes.

Another example of a depression dissimilarity scene

low contrast scene of a lake waterfront using unedited raw file
Original unedited RAW file.
camera histogram for the waterfront image above
Histogram for the image above.

There is a tiny bit of clipping in the brightest areas of the sky in the image above. But because I shoot RAW format there is a lot of information there for the editing process.

Same waterfront image processed normally looks great, with lots of detail
Here is the candy version. There is lots of detail everywhere but I've left information technology overall a chip nighttime to reflect the shooting time – dusk – and keep it natural-looking.

#2 – Practise NOT do HDR for silhouettes

This is the antithesis of HDR.

A scene where you actually desire part of your image to be clipped. To create a proficient silhouette prototype you want to make the foreground actually night, or possibly even pure black, with no particular. The sky or background may or may non have detail, or be clipped too.

This includes dusk images!

For more on that subject read this commodity: 3 Tips for Creating Spectacular Sunset Photos. Take annotation of the exposure settings I recommend at that place.

Look at the silhouette images beneath. The night outline of the subject against the colorful heaven is what makes them so dramatic.

You exercise not always need particular in every single nook and cranny of your image.

Get over information technology.

silhouette image of a lake, mountains and trees, does not need HDR done

silhouette image of a photographer and bench at sunset, looks best without HDR

A silhouette photo of a photographer and tripod on a hill during blue hour looks great without HDR

And then for a good silhouette or sunset image – just let the foreground get dark and expose for the heaven. Get the sky dark enough to get dainty deep rich colors and your sunset images will automatically go up a notch.

#3 – Do not practice HDR to remove all shadows

This is a pet peeve of mine. I see mode too many photographers using HDR to "become rid" of all the shadows in their image. Like shadows are a bad thing – they aren't!

Read:  5 Tips for Using Shadows to Create Dramatic Images

It'south like the quondam maxim goes, "1 cannot know happiness without also knowing truthful sadness" or something like that. And so information technology is also truthful that without shadows your images will be missing something.

You demand both low-cal AND dark to make a photograph and prove shape, dimension and depth in your images.

side by side example of same image with prominent shadows and lightened shadows
Left: Unedited RAW file. Right: Image processed to try and remove the shadow. Can you see how flat and lifeless that 1 looks?
same image of shadows looks better when shadows are enhanced
Terminal candy prototype – I actually ADDED more than blacks to this image to deepen the shadow and add together more drama. Can you run into the difference?

Hither is another scene where the little bush being lit by directly sunlight defenseless my attention. You tell me which processed version has more than impact and drama?

In which epitome does the bush stand out more and draw your center?

example of shadows being lightened making the photo worse
HDR processed to pull up the shadows and bring the highlights down. Is this effective here?
same photo processed normally, without HDR, looks great
Candy "ordinarily" to enhance the existing lite – not correct it. See how both the light and dark are needed here?
Photo of an old tractor covered in vines looks flat when shadows removed
Another HDR example with all the shadows lightened and basically removed. Meet how flat information technology looks? The colors are drab and deadening likewise.
Photo of old tractor covered in vines processed normally to look great
Processed to proceed and even darken the shadows. See how punchy the colors are at present. Note: I did Not bear on the saturation slider here at all! This is what having good blacks will do for your images – add drama and color intensity naturally without it going too over the top.

#4 – Do not do HDR to "set up" an image or to make it improve

Y'all cannot accept a bad epitome and brand it into a skillful i by using whatever processing technique, HDR included.

An image with poor lighting, bad composition and lack of a skillful subject to draw the viewer's eye will still have all those issues after applying HDR!

example of a bad photo with lots of contrast but no subject
Unedited RAW image. This scene is overly contrasty and there is no real subject to draw the viewer'south attention. The barren colina in the upper third is just boring and uninteresting.
same photo as above, processed similar to HDR still makes for a poor photo
The same prototype, edited to pull back detail in all areas. Sure now at that place is detail upwardly the wazoo, but it hasn't magically made it into a proficient image – one that has touch and interest. Nope, it still sucks. Yup, I took information technology!

#5 – Do not practise HDR with people (or animals)

More often than not, it is a bad idea to attempt HDR when there are people in your scene.

It merely doesn't practise skillful things to the pare tone and they commonly motility from ane frame to the next, making it hard to do bracketed shots and merge them together.

Virtually HDR software take gotten pretty good at fixing such "ghosts" but non perfect.

compiliation photo showing 3 bracketed shots that include a human subject combined together
Here is a bracketed set of images and the resulting HDR (bottom right) paradigm.

I actually forgot my camera was set to bracketing when I shot the images above from our vehicle. Looks not too bad at offset glance correct? Wrong! Let'south look closer.

example of HDR software incorrectly processing a photo including a human subject making it look horrible
Oops, he's looking a bit "odd".

The software attempted to prepare the issue of him having moved from 1 frame to the next – merely equally you tin can see it didn't do such a corking job. His face up is half missing and something is simply wrong with his chest and left arm.

Same with animals

It's tempting to use HDR as a look or mode. That'southward totally fine if that'due south your matter – I just urge you to keep information technology on the natural-looking side and endeavour non to do images similar this:

HDR process done on a photo of a dog results in a poor photo
The poor dog!

The epitome above is another case of what I phone call overdone HDR.

At that place'due south a ton of detail in her fur (she wants me to throw her ball) and the sky but the image simply looks "off". Can you come across that? Something most it but doesn't feel right.

See the deviation with the image beneath?

It'due south subtle just this one feels more correct to me. You?

photo of a dog without HDR processing looks better

What photos work best in HDR?

Okay, so we've covered several times and situations in which you practice not want to do HDR.

And so when is it a good idea to do it then?

When is HDR the optimal option?

HDR Photography is best used When the contrast of the scene exceeds your camera's range

HDR Photography is all-time used When the contrast of the scene exceeds your camera'south range Click To Tweet

Honestly, this is the only time you actually want to utilise HDR – including bracketing and merging them in post-processing.

Hither are three before and later examples.

You can run into my bracketed images (shot 2-stops apart) and the final merged and edited HDR image.

example of 3 bracketed HDR photos combined into one final HDR photograph
I needed four shots, each 2-stops autonomously, to capture the full range of tones in this high dissimilarity scene.
stunning HDR photo of the Okanagan lake with vineyards in the foreground and mountains in the distance
Finished HDR image, merged and candy entirely in Lightroom.

Annotation: Information technology is Non possible to become particular in both the sky and the foreground subject in a lighting state of affairs like this. If you accept tried to adjust your exposure and it's not working – you are NOT doing anything wrong. Y'all camera simply cannot capture detail at both ends of the tonal range in such a high contrast scene.

3 photos shot hand-held and bracketed a 2 stops apart combine to create a magnificent HDR photo of the okanagan valley and grape vines
Three paw-held bracketed images and the processed image.
stunning HDR image of grapevines and the okanagan lake
Detect anything different here?

Later on debating, I flipped the final processed image horizontally so your eye follows the rows of vines into the paradigm, not out of information technology.

This is a composition decision which you can brand later.

Again this is a very subtle change only helps the viewers stay inside the image instead of flowing out.

3 bracketed HDR images combined into the final HDR version of Misconduct Winery at blue hour
3 bracketed images (shot on tripod) and processed version.
HDR photo of Miscondut Wine co building with motocycles in front
Concluding candy HDR image. I was able to retain item and color in the sky and in the edifice under the lights – as well as the night areas like the motorbike and wood paneling.


Y'all may have noticed by the number of items listed nether when to do, and non practise HDR that at that place are way more occasions to avoid information technology.

My advice is that if you lot enjoy doing HDR, like the processing part of it, and the concluding look – then do it. But do and so sparingly and selectively.

Use it every bit a tool in your photography arsenal, not on every prototype and every scene.

What are your thoughts?

Have you lot tried HDR? Let me know if you have any other questions about the how, when or why of doing HDR and I'll do my best to answer. Please share your comments and HDR images beneath.

Side notation:All the images in the article were taken on a recent scouting trip to British Republic of colombia's Okanagan Valley where I'thousand planning a new 5-day workshop. Get more info or sign up to the waiting listing here.



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